birdwatcher (birdwatcher) wrote,

Инвалиды уничтожают интернет

Back in 2010, the Department of Justice noted that the traditional definition of “places of public accommodation” should probably be expanded to include websites because, “[i]ncreasingly, private entities are providing goods and services to the public through websites that operate as places of public accommodation.*” And although the DOJ has continued to delay the implementation of its rulings from 2010 until now, many businesses have already been taken to court over website accessibility issues, and that number has skyrocketed each year since 2015. Attorneys are targeting all types of businesses that provide public accommodation, such as retailers, restaurants and schools. Some of the big names include the likes of Fordham University, H&M, Five Guys and Ethan Allen, all of which have been accused of failing to accommodate their visually- and/or hearing-impaired patrons on the Web. And then there are places like the University of California at Berkeley, which – in an attempt to avoid a lawsuit – have gone as far as restricting public access to their lectures and podcasts because they do not currently comply with the new interpretation of the ADA. Others still, like the Riese Organization, which owns several restaurants in New York City, have taken down their websites completeлу
навел piggymouse

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