birdwatcher (birdwatcher) wrote,

Звериный оскал здравоохранения

У демократов новая Грета:

Kristin Urquiza, a woman whose father died from Covid-19, delivered one of the most scathing indictments of America’s response to the pandemic during the first night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention on Monday, saying his only preexisting condition was “trusting Donald Trump, and for that, he paid with his life.”

Her father Mark Anthony Urquiza, a 65-year-old who voted for Trump in 2016, had heeded the president’s urges to reopen the country’s economy and roll back social distancing guidelines. He went to a bar with his friends after Arizona’s stay-at-home order was lifted on May 15, making it one of the first states nationwide to reopen, and by June 11, he fell ill. Despite being put on a ventilator to help him breathe, he died from the virus only weeks later.

Особенно удачно получилось слово "despite", бггг.

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