birdwatcher (birdwatcher) wrote,

Локдаун действует (Defund the police)

CHICAGO – Chicago first responders tell WGN a 52-year-old man is in serious condition after being stabbed in the neck in the city’s Gold Coast neighborhood Sunday evening.

Chicago Fire officials say the incident happened in the 700 block of N. Michigan Ave. around 5 p.m. (более крутого адреса, чем этот, в Чикаго не существует, дальше уже только Нью-Йорк или Лондон).

According to officials, the man was walking down the street with his 15-year-old son when he was approached by the offender for spare change. The victim declined. Police said the offender verbally threatened the victim, produced a sharp object and stabbed him in the throat area.

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