birdwatcher (birdwatcher) wrote,

Разжигание ненависти к американцам -- Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds.

Кто придумал? Daniel Bressler of Columbia University’s Earth Institute.
BIOGRAPHY: R. Daniel (Danny) Bressler is a fifth year PhD Student in Sustainable Development at Columbia University. His research interests include environmental economics, international relations, conflict, and dual-use technologies. He is also a Global Priorities Fellow with the Forethought Foundation. Danny graduated from Brown University in 2012 magna cum laude and phi beta kappa with a double major in economics and history.

Напоминаю: если бы не такие люди и организации, у нас была бы отравлена вся вода. Прямо как без АМА, даже хуже!

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